Five Ways Video Content Will Help You Stand Out

Nov 24, 2021

Five Ways Video Content Will Help You Stand Out

Video marketing is taking over the internet, and LinkedIn videos are becoming increasingly popular. LinkedIn video strategy has become one of the most effective ways to market your business in an era where attention spans continue to shrink. The importance of LinkedIn videos to your business cannot be ignored.


 “The importance of video marketing to any business is critical to their success moving forward on the internet.” ~ Dave Krygier, Producer & Filmmaker, DMK Productions


LinkedIn videos can be used for different purposes, such as: introducing yourself, showcasing expertise, or addressing a particular niche topic. They also allow you to show off your personality with humor or emotion, which can help generate more leads than just text on social media alone. However, people make some critical mistakes when creating LinkedIn videos that could potentially hurt their online presence and decrease their conversions rates. That’s why it’s important for professionals like yourself who use LinkedIn video strategy to stay up-to-date on all of the latest LinkedIn video trends.


1. What is a LinkedIn Video Strategy

2. LinkedIn Video Marketing

3. Best LinkedIn Videos

4. Build a LinkedIn Video Strategy for Result

5. LinkedIn Video Mistakes and how to avoid them


What is LinkedIn video strategy?


You should be developing a LinkedIn video strategy effectively marketing your business where attention spans continue to shrink. The basics of a video strategy are the process of setting the goals of your video and what messaging or story you want to tell to your target audience, then developing the content that keeps creative requirements in line. Typically, the strategy is designed by marketing teams to create, curate, and utilize videos to drive engagement. The engagement can be in the form of likes, shares, comments, and views. To achieve their LinkedIn video marketing goals, professionals need to constantly create versatile content that will keep their audience engaged and interested and encourage them to interact with the video.


LinkedIn Video Marketing


Video is the future of social media marketing. LinkedIn videos are no exception. With video, you can tell your story in a way that’s unique to your business and personality; plus, it instantly grabs attention with an engaging hook. Video is also more likely to go viral because people are drawn to visuals rather than text alone. And if you’re using LinkedIn for job hunting purposes, there’s even more incentive since recruiters love watching videos!


One of the most critical aspects of developing a LinkedIn video marketing strategy is understanding how each type of video will serve its purpose, so be sure to determine what kind of message you want to send before getting started on your content. For example, if your company services business to business clients, an educational video tutorial might be the best place to begin your LinkedIn Videos.


Best LinkedIn videos


The first way that video content will help you stand out is by explaining your business in a more interactive way. If you are looking for a way to connect with people, video content is the perfect opportunity. Video content will give you the chance to paint pictures, tell stories and make people feel like they are part of it.


Video content also builds trust with your audience. When there is video content on your website, visitors will choose to watch it over reading text because it feels more personal and real. The best thing about this is that you can use it to show testimonials or even product demonstrations to build trust with potential customers quickly.


The third reason video content helps you stand out online is that it allows you to target different audiences and demographics. For example, if your business specializes in children’s birthday party supplies, using videos targeting toddlers is a great way to get their attention.


Build a LinkedIn Video Strategy for Result


LinkedIn is a social network used primarily for networking and professional purposes, but it’s possible to use the platform as a marketing tool. Research shows that LinkedIn videos have higher engagement rates than any other form of content. Building your strategy around video can help you gain more exposure, improve your brand’s reputation and even generate leads.


Telling your story


People, in general, are inquisitive. They’re always curious to learn more about whom they’re connecting with, be it in person or online. On a platform like LinkedIn, which is built for establishing relationships, you can use video to pique the interest of your connections.

You can do this by sharing a video and posting it in your Feed. It could be the story behind your business venture or a quick explanation behind how you got started. Like a traditional status update, add a bit of text to draw people in, and embed your video directly below.


Video is considered highly in LinkedIn’s algorithm. Because of this, any views you get will help boost your ranking and increase your exposure, which will ultimately lead to more opportunities. When you upload your video, don’t be afraid to add a call to action to get the most out of the platform’s algorithm.


Promoting your products


When you promote your products, you need to do it in a way that speaks to your customers and potential customers. One way you can do this is with a video testimonial. A testimonial can be either a short video or a written testimonial. The idea behind the testimonial is to let people know they are not alone and what success looks like in using your product. It also helps potential customers see real-life examples and how easy it is to use and enjoy the product. Another way you can feature your product in a video on LinkedIn is through demonstrations of how you use the product. The idea behind this type of video is to give potential customers a visual and how-to demonstration of the product. It also helps you stand out from your competition by creating unique content available anywhere else.


Video Blogging


Video blogging is a way to promote your brand on LinkedIn. It’s suitable for professional brands, but it can also be used by individuals who want to improve their personal brands.


What gets your goat or annoys you the most? What piques your interest? Is there a fascinating tale behind why you established your business? Whatever story you have to tell, could you share it with your connections? Being authentic and honest will help people connect with the content more. Video blogs are growing in popularity because they give viewers something that text alone can’t; an idea of what the person behind the screen looks like and how they act in front of a camera. Video Blogging is not only beneficial for promoting your business or personal brand, but it allows viewers to get to know you better. It is a more intimate way of connecting with an audience than through text alone.


LinkedIn Video Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


LinkedIn is the number one social media site for professionals. It’s also a place where employers look to find potential new hires. If you want to be seen by these companies, then video content on LinkedIn is your best bet. Many mistakes can happen when creating videos for LinkedIn and just as many ways to avoid them. Let’s cover a few.




If you are not sure what your video is supposed to do, no one else will. When starting on LinkedIn, try to work out what you want the viewer of your content to get from it. Do this before you even begin creating your video. This will help avoid mistakes in the future when it comes time to publish that latest addition to LinkedIn.




Your LinkedIn video should be relevant to the people you are targeting. If you want your videos on this site to be heard by professionals, uploading a video of kittens playing in the park will not make sense. It’s hard for people to take you seriously if that is not relevant to what they do or who they are.


Keep in mind to make a video based on your target demographic, their needs and interests, and the issues they confront that you can assist with solving. This is true whether your video material is internal or external.




Remember, you are not creating the video for yourself. It would be best to make it worth your viewer’s time; otherwise, they will move on to another post. Focus on what is in it for them and hone in on why they care about what you have said or shown them.


No Clear Concept


If you want to get the best results, your video must be clear in what it sets out to do. If people are confused by what you are trying to sell them, they will likely stop watching no matter how good or bad your product is. And just because they have stopped does not mean that they will bother seeing what you have to say in the future.


So, avoid making your audience work too hard to understand what you are getting at. Instead of rambling on with lots of information that has nothing to do with each other, think about how you can make it more concise and cohesive.


No Call-to-Action


It’s a good idea to have a call-to-action part of your video content. You want to get people interested enough to want more from you, and the only way you will do this is to give them something to chew on. So, form a call-to-action regarding what you would like people to do after watching your video.


Telling vs. Showing


Don’t just talk about the features and benefits of your product or service without giving an example of what it does. If you only explain the benefits, it will be difficult for people to connect with what they have been told, so they will not remember anything long term.

Showing them in action, however, works different parts of the brain and makes people want to learn more and buy what you have.


If you could avoid these six mistakes, creating excellent video content for LinkedIn would be a much easier process. If done well, your video can become a beneficial career tool and be another fun platform to share your work with the world.


It’s understandable if you are not sure what your video is supposed to do. That uncertainty can lead to mistakes in the future when it comes time for publishing that latest addition to LinkedIn. To avoid all of these pitfalls, make sure you know exactly what you want viewers of your content on this site to get out of it before starting production.



Your LinkedIn video strategy should help you accomplish your goals for either lead generation, brand awareness, or both. If you’re looking to generate leads and capture customer information with a call-to-action, it may be best if the video is short and succinct while still providing valuable content that will resonate with viewers. You can also use this opportunity to offer discounts or other incentives in exchange for their contact info. Alternatively, if you want to increase brand awareness by focusing on creating shareable videos that are entertaining and informative, then there’s no need for a high-pressure sales pitch at the end of the clip. Your goal would be to create something interesting enough so people feel compelled to share it with others who might find interest in what you have to say. Either path you choose, a well-thought-out LinkedIn video is a fantastic tool for your business and will help you stand out from the competition.




Brian Keltner, Founder

Digital Agency Gurus


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